Well folks, Salt Lake Comic Con starts tomorrow and continues through Saturday. I've never been to a Comic Con, and there's a part of me that probably never thought I would. I kid you not, back in junior high and high school I thought Comic Con was a bunch of people (nerds) getting together to read comics and talk about them. Lame! But here I am, planning on going to all three days with Husband and some friends. Honestly I don't really know what to expect.
I know it will be crazy crowded. I know there will be celebrities and cosplayers and authors and artists. I know there will be panels. I know there will be stuff to buy. I know I probably won't be able to see and do all that I would like to.
And lucky for me, my favorite star will not be there. I know you're probably wondering why I say that's lucky for me. Why wouldn't I want a chance to get an autograph and/or picture with him? Well, here's the thing...I'm weird. Like seriously. I can be a total spaz sometimes. And I know in that instance I would probably lose all capability of having coherent thoughts, let alone forming words. That and there is a lot that I would like to say to him. (Although it's likely he's heard a great deal of it before coming from other fangirls.) Really, I don't even know what I would say. I know what I would want to say, but who knows what I would actually end up saying. Him: Hello, how are you? Me: Good....you're...I like you. Do you like....stuff? Hug me? *holds up camera* Picture? Or, I could just faint. That would be an awesome option too.
Maybe I'm wrong with this, I don't know, but I feel like Comic Con also wouldn't be the ideal place to meet your favorite star. The way I see it is you'd get very little time to interact with them. And it could feel a bit forced. Like I said, maybe I'm wrong on this, I have never been to one of these things before so I can't say from experience. I know this sounds so picky. Not only do I want to meet him, but in the perfect circumstances...I know it's extremely unlikely. I know.
Which brings me to my other point. In talking about meeting celebrities, who's to say that the version of them you have in your head is truly what they are actually like? The clips on youtube and interviews you see could all be just as much of an act as when they are on the big screen. Personally, I don't want my mental bubble to be burst. And yet totally conflicting to all of these things I've just said, I want to meet him. Oh heavens, I do. I would love to sit and discuss (translation: psychoanalyze) some of the different roles he's played in movies together. That would make all the different aspects of my inner nerd so incredibly happy. But the chances of that happening are astronomically small. Such is life.
So, back to what brought me to those thoughts, I shall go to Comic Con tomorrow, and I'm sure at least some aspects of my inner nerd will still be very happy. My inner nerd will become my outer nerd. And I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about it soon.