I think I'm going to try to start blogging on Friday nights. I'm not totally sure of what to talk about tonight. I could talk about how Wayne Brady has recently come out speaking about his depression. Here's a link incase you missed it. A few thoughts went through my brain as I read his words. Firstly, only those who have gone through it can adequately describe what it feels like. Secondly, I truly commend and applaud him for publicly speaking about this issue. It needs to be discussed more openly if we are ever going to get rid of the stigma attached to depression--and many other mental illnesses. And I love love love what he said about not being happy all the time "because (he's) human." It seems like so often if we are sad, upset, depressed, or just having a rough few days, we may feel as if this isn't okay. But it is okay. I know I've said a lot of this before, so I won't keep going too much. But bravo to you, Wayne Brady, you're helping thousands you may never get to meet face to face.
Other musings I've been having as of late, in no particular order:
- Being too big for your regular clothes, but not quite big enough for maternity clothes is no bueno. Let's go ahead and get an actual bump so I can look pregnant and not just like I had too many fries.
- On that note, words like prego, preggers, preggy, etc etc MUST GO. Just say I'm pregnant.
- Why does everyone assume that if you like Tom Hiddleston you must also like Benedict Cumberbatch? And vice versa. I know they're friends, but really...I won't go into all my thoughts, but come on. It is totally possible to like one and not the other. And I am not talking about thinking one or the other is attractive.
- Really really please please please, Richie Sambora, come back to Bon Jovi. I may cry if this is the end of the dynamic duo of Richie and Jon. And that isn't just pregnancy hormones talking. I don't want to sound like a snob or like I'm bragging, but I've seen them live 3 times now and this most recent concert without Richie absolutely sounded different. Not necessarily bad, but it WAS different. You will not convince me otherwise.
- WHY does EVERY Doctor Who fan I've ever met insist on making me watch it? Look, I don't like it. I've had enough exposure to the show to know I do not like it. Sorry, not sorry. Judge me, hate me, but it's just the truth. David Tennant is adorable, but please accept that I am a nerd in many ways, but not that one. It's kind of like this:
- Ice cold water is way better than just cold-ish water. To drink, that is.
- Christmas is already everywhere. Seriously?! Not okay. This time last week, I was taking my nephew trick or treating. Now Thanksgiving is one of my least favorite holidays, but this is getting out of hand. I saw somewhere that stores are going to start Black Friday sales at 6pm Thanksgiving day. Which leads me to another point....
- What's the deal with Black Friday?! Don't get me wrong, I love a bargain just as much as the next person, but at what cost? Is it really worth it risking getting trampled and mauled all just to save some money? And how on earth can you think it's FUN?!?! Wow, just noticed my unintentional puns on that one. Haha, my bad.
Wow, okay, maybe I should have called those things I don't understand rather than musings. Oh well.