Friday, December 5, 2014


First of all, I can't believe it's already been another month. I have another doctor's appointment next week. My doctor's nice and I like him, and I like finding out everything really is okay with little peach, (that's what we're calling it for right now, I'll explain that in a minute) I still don't like doctor's appointments. Bleck. We're calling it peach because I sent Husband a screen shot of my What to Expect app earlier this week and it said our baby is the size of a peach. So Husband said he was going to start calling it baby peach. We still don't know if it's a boy or a girl, but the anticipation is making me nuts!! Gaaah!! We'll either find out sometime around Christmas or not until January-not sure I can wait that long.
Anyway! I do actually have something fairly intellectual to say this evening. I don't really want to get into specifics of what brought this to my mind, but I've been thinking about why we try so hard to impress others. Often it's people we've never even met. Now, I understand wanting to put your best foot forward, but to what extent? If we try too hard to put a great foot forward, do we eventually reach a point where we're not being ourselves?

I can't say I know the answer to that question, as it will likely vary from person to person. It's just something that's been on my mind lately. I wish I had some analytical thoughts as to the answer to this question, but honestly the original question I was going to write about isn't the one that came out as I sit here typing. I was originally going to write about why we feel the urge to do that, but even that was only a half baked idea. I guess at the end of the day, it's another example of how I really believe it is best to always just be yourself. Be real, and those who really deserve to be in your life will find a way to stay. And those who don't? Well, you'll find you're better off without them.