I really am so terrible at keeping this blog going. I apologize to anyone who actually waits for my posts here. My cooking blog on the other hand, feels like it's doing splendidly! Things lately haven't been super exciting, we've just been plugging along. I'm trying to figure out how to get where I want to be for my career, as is Husband. Grad school is very likely for both of us. Our lease for our apartment will be up this coming spring, so we've also been looking rather casually for a new place to live. It's looking like we'll land in a townhome, but exactly where is still TBD. Watson is still as adorable as ever. His new trick is to wake us up in the middle of the night by meowing a bunch for no apparent reason. Good thing he's cute.
Oh! How stupid of me! I almost forgot my sister and I decided to get crafty last week. We put vinyl stickers on those plastic pumpkins because I saw it on Etsy and thought that would be so easy to do yourself! I am not a crafty person. Like really, I'm not. I'm comfortable in the kitchen, and playing piano. Sometimes guitar. And singing in my car if I'm by myself. I can't craft worth squat, but that doesn't stop me from trying! I've learned to just keep the crafts simple. I thought this would be a really simple one. What I didn't think through was the fact that putting vinyl on a curved surface is a pain in the butt. I sat and smoothed bubbles only to have them reappear and then reappear again. The other thing we learned was that smaller pieces work better on your curved surface. My Tanner pumpkin with the spider has zero bubbles or folds. But the other two pumpkins do. Oh well. They're currently on our porch so no one can really inspect them closely. Ta da!