Saturday, August 30, 2014


(Yes, I know I tried this whole blogging thing once before. But admittedly that one didn't have much substance.) 

This blog is going to be my sounding board for the thoughts that float around in my head with no place to go. Having graduated in psychology, I often find myself analyzing different aspects of life without any place to put them. So brace yourselves for that, some of the things I say may not make much sense. I will also very likely reference TV, movies, songs, celebrities, anything that suits my fancy. I am quite the nerd. Or would I be a geek? Nyeh, beside the point. 
So how did I come up with the title of this blog? Well, first nerdy thing you'll learn about me is that I adore Bon Jovi. "Into the Echo" is a bonus track on their most recent album, What About Now. You should go check it out. Seriously, I'll wait.

Are you back? Good. I hope that song explains where I'm coming from with this blog. My thoughts, ideas, experiences, all that jazz. Sometimes I'll be philosophical and (hopefully) deep, other times I'll be talking about odd things like shoe shopping or my losing battle trying to teach myself a new song on the guitar. Who knows? I guess you could say I'll be like JD when he sums things up at the end of Scrubs episodes. My instinct here is to say I hope you like it. But honestly, this blog is mostly for me. If you want to read it and gain glimpses into my inner workings, great. If not, that's great too. But I will say this: last month, Husband and I went to visit some family in Sonoma County, CA. After we left, my cousin called my mom to make sure we really did in fact have a good time. And he told her something his wife said about me. She said this: "She's quiet, but when she opens her mouth, it's worth listening to."