Monday, December 28, 2015

2015 Favorites

I feel like I've started so many posts talking about how terrible I am at blogging and how I resolve to be better about it, and then not much changes. So in all honesty, I have no glorious excuse. The holidays have come and gone-well, except for New Years-but close enough. I can't say those kept me from blogging any more than regular chores like laundry and grocery shopping. I do have ideas for different posts floating around in my head. Why don't I just sit down and write them one of these days? I don't know. Probably because they're fairly nebulous at this point. But as this is the time of year for resolutions and bettering oneself, I really am going to try to be better about this blogging thing and write those posts I keep meaning to.
I don't want this to just be a post where I list my goals for the new year. Personally I think that would be pretty boring to write. And read. So...I'm not going to! Ha! Since 2015 was easily the worst year of my life, I'm happy to see it go and hopeful for what 2016 could bring. But as I've mentioned in another post, I don't want to dwell on the negative. So I'm going to post a few of my favorite things that did happen in 2015. (And if anyone starts singing My Favorite Things from Sound of Music, so help me, I will punch you. I LOATHE that musical.)

2015 Favorites:
(in no particular order)



My witch themed murder mystery party for Halloween

Comic Con

Star Wars

Paint Nite

I know there are others, but these are what I had pictures for and came to mind fairly quickly. So sayonara 2015, you kicked my butt, and also had some good times. I'm anxious to see what good is coming my way in 2016.